
Recycling Cardboard

Cardboard can be recycled in many ways. Cardboard boxes can be recycled when it's dry and clean. It is important to create a system that keeps the cardboard boxes clean and dry. Keep the cardboard boxes clean and dry because when the cardboard boxes got contaminated by chemicals, food items or other substances, the overall value of the cardboard decline. Try to prevent contaminated cardboard to mixed in with clean material or consider dirty boxes together to sell as a separate batch of recycling. Keeping the cardboard dry is very important. There are 2 kinds of cardboard boxes. The corrugated cardboard and paperboard. ·          Corrugated Cardboard Corrugated cardboard is used to make brown packing boxes. It identifies by the wavy inner layer of cardboard. It is three-layer sandwich cardboard.      Paperboard It is also called chipboard. It is a single layer of grey cardboard that used to make things like cereal boxes, shoe boxes and other packages. There are

Recycling Cardboard

Our company is passionate about helping their client's business to recover their recyclable materials and turn into a steady revenue stream. When it comes to recycling, there are a few steps that take to make the process more effective, efficient and most importantly, profitable. In terms of cardboard boxes, make sure to have a collection area where the boxes are unpacked. It is important to create a system that keeps the cardboard boxes clean and dry. Keep the cardboard boxes clean and dry because when the cardboard boxes got contaminated by chemicals, food items or other substances, the overall value of the cardboard decline. Try to prevent contaminated cardboard to mixed in with clean material or consider dirty boxes together to sell as a separate batch of recycling. Keeping cardboard dry is very important. There are many reasons to recycle cardboard. Some of the reasons are for good business practices and some are selfless. Recycling cardboard can be a way to t